among all Amran's daughters, people always said that Faizah is the prettiest... n i can still REMEMBER there was one pak cik calling her
HEARTBREAKER.. LIKE WHAT????? but then, after arguing for how many years i couldnt remember, we
considerately think that
maybe perhaps it's true.. well, she's fair, prefect in school, athlete, tall, and VERY BIG for her age !!!! hehee...
well, thats the 'reward' for keep calling me FATSO.. yeaaaaahhhhh~ feel the pressure bebeh.. muahahahaha!!!!
so today, i managed to hack her facebook.. n guess what?!!! i found out that my sister is in monkey-with-cherry-on-top LOVE.. awwwwhhhhh~ well, im not going to tell the details... but, tell u what bebeh, reading her chatbox had seriously made me puke like puh puh puh puh puh... tapi mamat ni pon bole tahan jugak... he is so CUTE ;) dah la cute, jiwang, ayat super power punya... amboiiiii~ kecik2 dah pandai nak ngorat adik aku ek.. n of course la, keje seorang kakak yang baik, i proudly reported this to MY MOM!!!! YEAAAAAYYYYY!!! banyak la ko... aku dulu kena marah gak ngan mak aku, sbb kakak aku report.. so skg kira ko pulak... muahahahaha..
actually i felt a bit (just a lil bit) guilty for reporting this to my mom.. well, Puan Norsiah, bab2 bercinta time sekolah ni, die mmg pantang sikit.. cikgu la katakan... u mite dun wanna imagine my mom's voice when she's angry... tapi sebenarnya sekarang ni, mcm lain sikit.. maybe sbb faktor usia, or maybe sbb dah ada pembantu mcm saya yang mempunyai suara yg lagi kuat, maka die sekarang sudah agak kurang menyengat berbanding dahulu..
ape2 pon, dear sis, pls know that i did this so that u can learn lessons.. besides u're still young ! takyah nak dok sibok bercinta... focus belajar dulu -.- aiyo !
anyonyonyo <3 will keep hacking u dear sis :)