yana! na slh jwb soalan! hahaha.. x pa. tpksa lah aku jawab gak..
1.what is the relationship between u n him/her
my youngest sister
2.ur 5 impressions towards him/her
-gedik n mulot kepoh
-genius n bijak mengugut abg nya (but i like dat. at least faan learns.)
-matured n kdg2 bole diharap
-she cant stop talking. (pok pek, pok pek)
-pembuat air ribena yg sdp
3.the most memorable things she/he had done for u
buat air ribena utk aku. tu je bnd baik yg die reti buat. (nape aku plh ko dowh?)
4.the most memorable things he/she have said to u
"nina gemok!"
mmg best kena sebijik. mmg memorable btol!
5.if he/she become ur lover, u will...
lover?..??? die kan adek aku... aku x phm ar.
6.if he/she becomes ur enemy, u will...
x mau lah gadoh. air dicincang takkan pts. tp ko ni mmg tmpt aku gadoh lah. x bole nak bla.
7.if she/he become ur lover, he/she has to improve his/her...
lover? sumbang mahram + lesbian.. astaghfirullahalazim
8.if she/he become ur enemy, the reason is...
kan aku dh jwb. aku x mau enemy lah!
9.the most desirable thing to do on him/her
buat air ribena..(x hbs2 ribena aku ni...%^&%&^%^&)
10.the overall impressions about him/her
adik yg sgt b'tuah kerana dpt kakak mcm aku.. muahaha. ada skit org nak ajar ko.
11.how do you think people around u will feel about u?
hormon x tetap. sbb kdg2 aku gile. tp bl dah mrh, hulk pon bole lari. haha tp kdg2 pon aku kolot gak. tah lah. aku pon x phm.
12.the character of u for urself is?
mulot x bole thn. gemok n garang. tp kekadang bole lah m'gila thp gaban. ikot season ar.
13.on contrary,the character that u hate about yourself is?
mengumpat, x loyal kpd rifhan :( , bohong bile dah t'sepit, pelupa... haha
14.the most ideal person that u wanna be is...
of course, m'contohi nabi kita. tp mcm mustahil sbb aku sgt lemah.
mcm iwan kot. my couz. tah ar. cam tenang je. dgn falsafah nya. haha ;p
15.for the people who likes u, say somethin about them...
like?! welcome to my life!
teruskan m'undi saya. AFUNDI SABRINA.. muahahaha.
16.people to tag...
soalan ni pnjg sgt. so aku x tag spe2. t'seksa aku jawab. 2 hari tau.
17.who is num 2 is having relationship with..
tah ar. aku dgr die suka ketua darjah die. alah bdk2. salu nya ketua lah plg hot kat mata diorg. tp mamat tu hlg gigi 2 btg ar. smph aku x phm! @#$%^&*
18.is no 6 is male or female?
perangai mcm male. tp die female.
19.what is no 1 studying about?
2+2.. mcm2 lg lah. syllabus darjah 1 ar.
20. is no 4 single?
single lah. sape nak die?!!!! ????
21.say something about no 3
ape kejadah soalan nih?! drpd 1-20, org nya sama je lah. @#$^&*
p/s: dear yana! ..ada ques yg aku x jwb. sbb mls. hehe. btw, aku x phm lah soalan yg akhir2 ni. t'keluar otakaku nak pikir